If you want to eat the avocados after three to four days then they should be green, smooth, and firm. These will ripen at room temperature, a few days. if the Avocado has a stem it will come off very easy. If the avocado is perfectly ripe it will yield to gentle pressure without leaving any marks and will not feel mushy. If it leaves the indentations or feels very mushy then that is a sign that the avocado is overripe.
If you want the avocados getting ready in one to two days then they should be dark green with black speckled color and should be slightly bumpy and should be kind of firm. After a couple of days at room temperature, these will be ready to eat.
If you want to eat the avocados after three to four days then they should be green, smooth, and firm. These will ripen at room temperature, a few days.Click to edit text. What do visitors to your website need to know about you and your business?